The University is small and intimate, yet offers the vast number of degree programs that we expect from major universities. The staff at the University of Chester and UDA Soccer Academy is superb and can provide learning experience, individual attention, and a tight knit community that my son will rely on.
Jennifer Tenwalde, Parent
Jennifer Tenwalde, Parent
"[UDA has] become an extended arm of our family and I’m not sure how our family would have handled this transition without them. The UDA staff truly cares and honestly wants [the students] to succeed. ... What an amazing opportunity this has been for our son, and the UDA staff makes it comforting for us to know our son is in good hands."
Julie Meyers, USA
Julie Meyers, USA
"My son is thriving in the UDA experience. As a parent, I feel that UDA has provided me with the trust that my son will be given the necessary tools to be successful in his academic as well as his athletic fulfillment."
Charlene Livingston Nauman, USA
Charlene Livingston Nauman, USA